List of Tamil words in Arabic language
Dr . V.R . Annadurai Variankaval Ramasamy ; MD; DPM;
consultant Psychiatist
List of Tamil words in Arabic language
Dr. Variankaval Ramasamy Annadurai; MD; DPM;
Arabic is a Semitic language that first emerged in the 1st to 4th centuries CE. It is now the lingua franca of the Arab world. It is named after the Arabs, a term initially used to describe peoples living in the Arabian Peninsula bounded by eastern Egypt in the west Mesopotamia in the east, and the Anti-Lebanon mountains and Northern Syria in the north, as perceived by ancient Greek geographers. Modern Standard Arabic is an official language of 26 states and 1 disputed territory, the third most after English and French. Arabic is the religious language of 1.8 billion Muslims, and Arabic is one of six official languages of the United Nations. All varieties of Arabic combined are spoken by perhaps as many as 422 million speakers (native and non-native) in the Arab world, making it the fifth most spoken language in the world.

Clues to read Arabic language words into Tamil;
Letter ‘k’ – ‘v’; ‘v’= ‘k’.
Add / change vowels then and there.
Add /delete letters ‘m’ and ‘n’ then and there.
Letters ‘p’ and ‘s’ can be retained/ deleted / added or exchanged.
A letter can be read more than once.
If a letter occurs more than once consecutively, it has to be read only once.
Arabic – English Dictionary – edited by – JM. Cowan
and Islam Future
English- Arabic- Tamil
*1. yachet- yakt- kadathtu/boat
2.*to wink- yamidu - imaiththidu
3.howl- wala wala- voalam
* rule- yali- aalu
* border on – yali – ellai/ border tukaa- thaankku
7.resting- tawakka- oaaivu edukka; letters are jumbled.
8.fear- taqiya- peethi adaika; peethi- fear; adaika- to have. protect /guard- yaki/waqa- kaakka
*10. arrest/ detention- tauqif- adaika/ confine
*11. sexual intercourse- wiqa- oakka give one’s word- wa ada- vaai thaa; vaai- mouth; thaa- give.
* walk- yatau- adi edu; adi- foot; edu- take.
14. to tread – yatau – mithi
* have sexual intercourse- watia- oaaththidu
*16. writing down- auda- theettu/ write
*17. putting down- auda- idu
* take- yadau - edu produce- yadau – padai
20.purity / cleanness- wadu- thooya
21.feed- tausil- uoottuthal ittisal- thoduthal/touching
23.sign/ mark- sima-sinnam yari- paeru
25.coming- wurada- varuthar; letters are jumbled. be heir/ inherit- warita- urimai udaiya; urimai- rights; udaiya- having.
*27.provision /supply- taurid- tharuthar / providing
*28.lodging- wad- viduthi
*29.farewell- wada- vidai ; vidai thaa.
*30.leave taking- wada- viduppu edu; viduppu- leave; edu- take.
31.calm- daa- amaithi
32.secluded/ isolated- hida- thaniya
33.unity- wahda- oththumai
34.union-tauhid- ottu
*35.alone- wahid- oththaiyaa
36. to find- yajidu ; thadu ; edu . get/ obtain- yajidu -adai
* make- yajidu – seithidu
* achieve -yajidu-saathiththidu
40.lake- haur- yaeri
*41.pour down / rain- hatala – uooththuthal tear- haraa- aru irritate/ skin- hara- eriya /irritation/ burning
* rock- hadhada- aattidu
*45.mother- nin- annai have sexual intercourse- naka- inaika/ unite
*47.fat- nay- nei
48.intention/will- niya- ennam
49.taking of food- tanawul- theeni thuinnuthal; theeni- food; thinnu- eat. sleep- nama- saayanum /to repose
51.kind /type /species- nau - inam hang- nata-naandidu
53.light- nur- niram neruppu
55.aroma- nakha- manakka
56.difficult- nakida- kadinam; letters are jumbled.
57.molest- nakida- kedu marry- nakaha- manakka ;inaika. present to the bride- nuqut- mana- k- kodai; manam- marriage; kodai- gift. soak- naqaa- nanaikka
61.small drum – naqqira- nakaraa/ drum
62.gain/ benefit/ useful- nafaa- payan
*63.sending- infad- anuppidu
*64.speak- nataqa- nodikka nasada- naadu
*66.examine- nataqa- aainthiduka
67.delete/ cancel – nasaka-
68.weaving- nasj- -nei; nesavu.
69.fight- tanazu- sandai; letters are in reversed order.
70.rare- nadara- arithaana; letters are in reversed order.
71.offensive smell- natana- naththam
*72.killing- imata- maiththidu
* die- matau / maut- madiya
74.large boat- muhila- maa kalam; maa- big; kalam- boat/ vessel; letter ‘h’ is read as ‘k’ and not as ‘a’.
* be smooth-malisa- mazhu mazhu nnu churn- makada- kadaiya
77.proverb- umtula- muthu mozhi draw water from a well- mataha- mondidu
*79.night time- lail- al
* emerge /appear- laha- yezhu; yezhka.
*81.if not- laula- illaiyael speak- laga- solluka; mozhika.
*83.thickness-katt- ketti; kathippu.
* thicken- katuf- ketti aayida
85.many/ numerous/multiply- katir- mikuthar
*86.nearby- katab- kitta
* cough- kahha- kakka
88.antimony- kuhl- kaaka nimilai
*89.kohl jar-mikhula—mai kalam; kalam- vessel.
*90.khol stick- mikhal- mai kole ; mai- antimony; kole-stick.
91.grief- kadar- katharu / wail
92.distress-kadar- koadaravam
*93.trouble- kadd- ikkattu
*94.fatigue- kaddau- kadai
95.hard work- kadd- kadum pani ; pani- work.
96.deceive- kadaba- keththu ; pakattu .
*97.bite-kadma- kadi; kadiththidanum. give little- kada- kammiya kodu ; kami- few; kodu- give. bruise- kadama- kaayam adaiya ;kaayam- wound; adaiya- to have; letters are jumbled..
100.grief- karab- karaiya/ weep
101.distress- karaba- kai aravu; ka= va; va= ka.
*102.fear-karb- karippu
103.trouble- karba- kuraivu; ka= va; va= ka.
105.cellar- karar – keer arai; keer/ keezh- down/ under; arai- room.
106.chair- kursi – erukkai; letters are in reversed order.
107.wrinkles- karisa- surukkam; letters are in reversed order.
*108.leg - kari- kaar/ kaal
*109.loath/hate- kariha- kaar prepared of sheep trotters – kari-kar kari ;kaar- leg; kari- dish/ curry.
*111.sweep-iktisah- koottu
*112.rape- iktisah- kedu
113.dress /cloth- kiswa- kosikam
* taksiya- udukkai talbis- uduththuthal / to cloth; thuil-cloth. kulliya-muzhumaiyaka; letters are in reversed order. iklil- kaliyaaanam; mana vizhaa; ka= va; va= ka.
118.lime-kils- sunna-k- kal; letters are jumbled; sunnam- lime; kal- stone. kukkal/ wolf
120.language/word- kalam -kilavi ; ka= va; va= ka.
*121.sturdy build- iktinaz- kattaana
122.cave-kuhuf- kukai
*123.prediction- kahana- kani
*124.cup- kub- koappai
125.*heap- akwad- kuviththidu/ to heap
*126.village- kura -kurichchi
town in Iraq - Kufa - kuppam
127.sting- ladga- koththuthal /snake; letters are in reversed order.
128.bite- ladga- kadiththal; letters are in reversed order. stain- lataka- azhukku aakkidu ; letters are jumbled.
130.strike/ hit- lataa -adiththal ; letters are in reversed order.
131.saliva- luab-echchil
132.angle- ku- koanam deceive- kada –kaathu kuththu ; keththu ; kaathu- ear; kuththu- pierece.
134.Indian dress material- kit – kuttai /cloth; koadi/ cloth. measure- kala- alakka; letters are in reversed order.
* not- la-- illai
*137.light- la la – oli; el.
138.glitter- lala- oli; joli .
139.sparkling/ glistening- mutalali- minnuthal
140.heart/ mind- lubb- ullam/ soul
*141.shining- talalu- odiththal; thudiththal
142.severe distress- lawa- allal
*143.accumulate- kadasa- koottu
*144.shackle- kitaf /qaid- kattu
* fetter- katafa- - kattu
* tie- katafa-kattu
* fold the hands- katafa- - kai yaei kattu; kai- arm.
148.shoulder-katif- -thoat -kattu
149.crowds/ throngs- kutla -kooduthal / to crowd
150.lump- kutla -kattikal/ lumps; letters are jumbled.
*151.gather into a lump- katla – katti aathal ;katti- lump .
152.constipation- kitam- kutham katta ;kutham- rectum .
*153.marry- kataba- kattu make- kataba- aakkidu
155.very great- kubar- mika periya ; periya- great .
156.drinking cup- kasat – kudi kinni/ kinnam; kudi- to drink; kinnam- cup.
157.paper-kagit- kaakitham
158.blacksmith- qain-kammiyan
*159.curry- karri- kari
*160.chief- qail – kizhaan
*161.tar- qir- kari nei
162.hunger- qawa- kaaya
*163.speak- qala- kuyil/ tell
*164.word- qaul- kuyil
*165.raven- qaq- kakka/ crow
*166.small basket for fruits- qauta- kani koodai; kani- fruit; koodai- basket; kutti koodai; kutti-small.
*167.flock of sheep- qaut- aattu koottam; aadu- sheep; koottam- group. demolish a building- qada- kattaidathtai idika; kattidam- building; idikka- to demolish; letters are read more than once.
169.cave in – qada- kudaiya
170.bow- qaus- kuni
*171.mutton or beef pieces /onion/tomato- braised with squash – qawurma- kurumaa ; root word is kari- meat/ vegetables ; kaaram- hot/spicy .
*172.hill-qara- karuni; kiri.
173.under- qarra- keer/ keezh
* qut- konndi
* qata- kadi qadu- kai kaattu ; kai- hand; kaattu- show. apply bandage- qamata- kattu kattanum; kattu- bandage; kattu- to tie; letters are jumbled.
*178.little- qami- kammi/ few
179.writing pen- qalam -mai kole; kole- stick; mai- ink.
*180.frying vessel- qallaya- kalayam/ vessel
181.frying pan- miqlan- munn kalan/earthen vessel; munn- clay /soil; kalan- vessel.
* tear out- qalaa- kizhi
*183.necklace- qilada- kazhuthhtu ani; kazhuththu- neck; ani -wear. be dry- qaffa- kaaya gather/ collect – qatasa/qitaf /qataba- -
186.picking /gathering/plucking - iqtitaf/qataf-
*187.hole- qar -koarai
188.young camel- qaaid- ottakam; letters are in reversed order sit- qaada- kunthu
* lie in wait- qaada- kaaththu kidakka ; letters are read more than once.
* cut off- qatala- kaathuthal
192.section- qita- kanndam
*193.young girl- qata quta- kutti
*194.troop/ flock/ herd- qati- koottam
195.fee-qati- kattanam ; kattu- to pay.
196.stump- qata- adi-k-kattai ; letters are jumbled.
* -qati -kadai; kadaisi
*198.chopping off- qat- koththu
*199.cutting off- qat/qatta- kaathu/cut
* divide- qataa- kaathu
Sheikdom in eastern Arabia- Qatar- kudi yaeru /to settle/ dwell
*201.dripping- qatr- kottuthar /showering
202.male cat- qitt- kaduvan; ka= va; va= ka.
203.completion- qada- kedi- completed
*204.stick- qadaba- kattai
205.penis- qadib- pudukku; letters are in reversed order.
* kill- qada- kaathu
*207.demand- qada- kaetpu qada- kanndidu
*209.provide- qada- kodu gnaw- qadima- kadi; kadiththidanum. quote- qadaba- eduththu kattu ; letters are jumbled.
* bore- qaddau- kudaiya
*213.pulverize- qaddu -kuththu/pound
214.bray- qaddau- kanaiththidu /to bray pierce- qaddau- kuththa cut off- qasala- kizhi / cut
217.inadequate /to become short- qasura- kuraiya
218.penniless- qasila- kaasu illai; kaasu- cash; illai- without.
219.police station- qaraqol -kaavalar nilaiyam; ka= va; va= ka; kaavalar- police.
* cut- qarada- keeridu
* carve out- qaddau- koththu
* gnaw- qarada – koriththidu
*223.nibble- qarasa- kori
* write/ poetry - qarada /sira- seer keeridu; seer- poem; keeridu- write. scratch- qarasa- sorika; letters are in reversed order.
*226.reading- qira- karkka throw- qadafa-kidaasu vomit- qadafa- kakkidu accuse- qadafa- kuththam saattu
230.dirty- qadir- karai udaiya; karai- dirt; udaiya- has; letters are jumbled.
* frame- qada- kattu rebuke- qadaha- kadinthidu
233.dryness / want of rain-- qaht- kaainthida
*234.killing- qatil- kaathuthal mix- qatala- kalanthiduthal; letters are jumbled
236.tribe- qabila- kulam
237.learning- iqtibas- kaththida
238. loan- iqtibas- kadan
* seize/take hold -gabada- kai paththu constipate- gabada- kutha adaippu ; letters are jumbled. kutham- rectum; adaippu- block.
241.cardamom- qaqulla- yaelakkaai ; letters are in reversed order.
* pour- fada- poadu; peithidu; idu. flow- fada- oaadu
*244.benefit- faida- paadu ; naya paadu
245.hiccup- fuwaq- vikka
246.escape- faut- thappiththu oaadu; letters are jumbled.
*247.passing- fawat - poaida
* pass away- fatau- poaida make- fatau- pannidu be extinguished- faniya-
* faraja- piri
*252.separate- faraja- piri
*253.divide- faraja- piri
*254.separation- farz- piriya
* look /observe- faraja – paaru
257.secrete- faraza- sura; letters are in reversed order.
* faras- pari
259.branch /twig- far- panar
260.section- far- uruppu; letters are in reversed order.
261.tall- fari- uyram
262.pretty- fari –porppu /beauty
* separate- faraqa- pirikka
264.division /section/unit -firqa -pirivu; ka= va; va= ka. rub- faraka- uraaika
*266.fearful- fariq- pirakkam
267.lie- frya- poei urai ;poei- a lie; urai- speech .
268.torn- -fazara- piriya
*269.split- fara-piri
270.frightened- faza- achcham break- fadda-udai; poaattu udai . perforate- fadda- oaattai poaadu ;oaattai- hole; poadu- make.
*273.pierce- fadda- poththidu; oaattai idu
274.reduce / lack /need- faqara - kuraikka/ to reduce; kurai /kuraivu- less/lack
* split- fala- pila
*276.fissure- fala- pilappu
*277.split- falq- pilakka
278.cleft/ fissure /crack- falq- pilavu; poazhvu; ka- va; va= ka.
* flee- farrai- para redeem- fadd- meetu edu
* sacrifice/ offer- fadd- - padai
* break- fadaka-- udaikka; pottikka.
283.young/ juvenility- fata- podi; podisu /small / little
*284.youth/ young man- fatan- podiyan / little boy
285.young girl- fatah- pottai/ female
286.slay/ kill- fataka- idikka; thudaikka attack suddenly- fataka- pattunnu thaakku; pattunnu -suddenly
288.assault- fataka- adikka; poattu adaikka .
289.wipe out- fataka - thudaikka plait /weave- fatala- pinnuthal taftis- thaedu dig-fataha- thoandu
293.refrain- fataa-thadu
294.opening/ hole- fatha -oaatai; ponthu.
295.heart- fuad-ithayam
*296.jungle- gaida- kaadu
*297.field- gait- kaadu
*298.young girl- gada- kutti
*299.murder/assassinate- gala – kollu
300.desert demon- gilan- kooli
*301.cavity- giyat- kudaivu; ka= va; va= ka. of the fertile oasis on the south side of Damascus- al guta –kudi; kudi kaadu
303.calamity- gawdil- gaut - kai kodu; kai- hand; kodu- give.
*305.fat/ plum/ chubby- gundur- kundu uru ;kundu- fat; uru- figure; kundar- fat person.
* close the eyes- gamuda- kann moodu ; kann- eye; moodu- to close.
* sleep- gamuda – kann moodu
308.blink- gamda- kann- imaiththidu; kann- eye.
*309.grains - galla- koolam
*310.wrap/wrapping- gita- kattu
*311.anger/rage- gadab- kaduppu
*312.fault/ defect- gudda- kuththam
* take bath- gasala- kuli wash- gasala- kazhuvu ; ka= va; va= ka.
315.prepuce- gurla- aan kuri thole ; aan kuri- male symbol ; thole- skin ;an- male; kuri- symbol.
* attain the goal- garada- kuriyaei adaiya ; kuri- goal; adfaiya -to attain.
317.aim/ goal- garad- kuri yoadu/ with aim; kuri- aim.
318.twitter/ warbling of a bird- garad- karainthida
*319.cutting edge of a sword- garr- koor munai; koor- sharp; munai- tip. gida – konndi feed-gadau- pukattu
* provide- gadau- kodu
* run fast- gadda- kada kada nnu oaadu; oaadu- run.
*324.gland- gudda- katti
325.pond- gadir- kuttai neer; neer- water; kuttai- pond.
*326.kerchief- gudfa- kai-k-kuttai
*327.shower/pour down- gadiqa- kottuka
* go- gada- yaekidu
* become- gada-aakidu
330.jubilation/ rejoicing- igtibat-kondaattam poadu make- gabata-aakkidu
* call- gabata- koopidu
333.nausea- gata- kumatta
* bite one’s lip- gatta- uthattai kadi; uthadu- lip; kadi- bite; letter ‘t’ is read many times.
*335.howling- awil- uoolai
*336.wailing- awil- oalam
* aila/ayyil- il; illam.
*338.cry- aul/alau- azhu substitute- adau- maaththu
*340.equivalent- iwad- oththa
341.profit/ gain- aida- uoothiyam; aathayam ;eettam
*342.stick/wood- ud- thadi .
343.stem/stalk- - ud- thandu
*344. body- ud – thadi
345.idea /thought- manan-mana ennam; manam- mind; ennam- idea.
346.bunch of grapes- un qud- -kani koththu /bunch of fruits; kani – fruit; koththu- bunch; letters are jumbled.
*347.embrace/hug- inaq- anaikka
348.column/ pillar- amud- muttu thadi; thadi- wood.
* buttress- amada – muttu
350.above/ upon- ala- maelae chew- alaka- melluka hang- aliqa- naaluka
353.intelligence- aql- akkal
*354.detain /arrest- aqala- kaaval wound- aqara- kaayam ura; kaayam- wound.
*356.swelling- uqda- katti
*357.knot- uqda- kattu
358. knob- uqda- kondai; mukadu.
359.riddle- uqda-vidu kathai; ka= va; va= ka; letters are jumbled.
*360.difficulty- uqda- ikattu; kadinam/difficult.
361.meeting- iniqdd- koottam
*362.tying- aqd- katta ;kattida.
*363.tie- aqada- kattu
*364.joining- aqd- koodida ;koodu-
*365.marriage- aqd- kattu ; kai thodu .
366.offer/gift -ata –thaa; padai.
*367.obstruction/stopping- tatil- thaduththal
*368.shut down/ closure- tatil-adaiththal
*369.juice- asira- saaru
*370.Intercourse- isra- saeru sweat- ariqa- viyarkka
* know/be aware- arafa- ariya
373.a swift river- araba- aaru /river
374.bunch /cluster- idq- koththu; letters are in reversed order.
*375.rebuke- adala- athattuthal
name of an Arab tribe - Udra- thoadar /a tribe in Uootti -Tamil nadu
*376.assault- itida- adiththidu
377.against- itida- ethiththida/ oppose
378.ferry boat- madiya- oaadam; letters are in reversed order.
* run- addu- oaadu
*380.dash- addu-idiththidu
381.catch an infection- addu- noai thoththida ; naoi- disease; thoththa- getting infected.
* prevent- addu -thadu
383.destruction- idam- saetham
*384.equal/like- idl- oththu ulla
385.count- add- enndiu
386.readiness- udaa- eththaniththidu /to be ready
387.wondrous- ujab- viyappu trip/ stumble- atara- thadumara
* find- atara- thaeduthar ;thaedi adaithar ;eduththar .
*390. hit/strike- atara- adiththar
* carry- atala- eduththal
* attack- ataka- thaakku
393.shoulder- atiq- thoat kattu
* take upon /take over- atiq- edukka play- abita- aadu
396.worship a god- abada- poosiththidu
397.adore- abada- thuthi ;thuthi paadu .
398.shadow- zill- nizhal
399.die- taha- madiya ; seththida. fly- tara- paaithar
401.fold /pleat- tayya- madi /to fold; madippu.
*402.hiding-/concealment- tayy- adai; puthai; saathi; moodu.
*403.beat- tauf- thappu; adi.
*404.sheet of paper- talhiya- thaal
405.look/eye- tarf- paarththidu; letters are in reversed order.
*406. road/ path/ main road- turuqat-theru koadi ;theru- street; koadi- end; theru veethi ; ka= va; va= ka.
*407.nourishment/food- taam- uoottam istitla- oathuthal; padiththal.
409.research- istitla- aaithal; soathiththal.
* ittila- oathuthal; padiththal. walk- tafa- adi edu/ take astep; adi- foot; edu- take; nada- walk. ride- tafa- oattu run- tafa- oaadu
414.kind/ sort / type/ model/ variety - tarz- tharam
* drive away/ chase away -- tarada- thuraththu; thuraththu adi.
* break- tahtaha- udiththidu beat the drum- tabala- thattuthal; adiththal; thapputhal/beat.
418.lock- tabla- adaiththal; poottuthal; letters are jumbled.
419.print- taba- pathi; pathippu ; letters are in reversed order.
*420.layer- taq- adukku
* become too narrow- daqa- odukkam
422.closed- madmum- moodanum /to close become tired- daqa- - asathi adaika ; asathi- tiredness; adaika- to have.
*424.oppress- daqa- odukku
* oppress- dagata- odukkidu restrain- daqa- adakku / odukku
* suppress- dagata- adakkidu
*428.goal of persistent search- dalla- thaedal; thaeduthal
429.wandering- dall-alainthida; letters are in reversed order.
* lose one’s way- dalla- tholaiya
431.push- darba- idiththar
432.knock- darba- thattuthar; idiththar.
433.fatal blow- qadiya- kuththu / to blow; kadum kuththu; kadumai- severe.
434.hitting- darb-idiththar
435.beating- darb- adiththar fire- daraba- suduthar play a musical instrument- daraba- meettuthar
* pulsate/ throb- daraba- thudiththar
* roam about- daraba- thiriya
*440.distress- darra- - theru ; idai uooru ; therisu ;idar.
441.take the opposite stand- didda-ethiththidu/ oppose
*442.enmity- diddiya- attam;thuppu.
443.lie down/sleep- daj- adaiya have sexual intercourse- daj- oaaththida command- saitara- aanai iduthar; anai- order.
446.likeness- sabah- oppumai plant- satala- sedi naduthal;sedi- plant; naduthal- to plant transplant a plant- satala- naathu naduthal
449.courage- asja- achcham inmai; achcham- fear; inmai- without. comedian- saksati – kooththaadi
* sadda- sattunnu
* sanad- sainthidu /repose
*453.leaning- istinad- saainthida
*454.wall- aswar- suvar
455.plait work- sabbaka- pinnukai scatter- satta- sinthu
* tear- satara- sithaiththar
458.abuse- satm- yaeidanum /to abuse break- sadaka- udaikka
460.increase- istidad- yaeththidu
461.alone- sadd- oththaiya sing- sada- paadu; paattu padu; paattu- song; padu- to sing. chant- sada- oaathu; paadu . be educated- sada- padi ;padiththidu rise/ sun- saraqa- yaeruka
466.go too far- satta- etta poa; etta- far; poa- go. divide into two parts- satara- paathiduthar
468.attach- satana- saeththidanum /to attach
469.hairy- sari- mayir; sirasam .
*470.torch- sula- sool
* suck- safata- sappidu raise- sala- yezhu
* burn- sata- sudu ;thee idu ;the- fire; idu- do/ make.
474.patient- sabbar- porumai
*475.publication- sudar- achchu iduthar
476. break- sadaa- udai
477.crack / fissure- sudu- oaattai ; udaiya; santhu /fissure .
478.minor mistake- sagira- siriya kurai; siriya- small; kurai- mistake; letters are jumbled. trunk- sunduq- senthookku
480.making- sana- seiyanum /to make
* scorch /burn- sahada- theeihtthidu / scorch; sudu/ burn.
*482.heat- sahd- soodu
483.shouting- suwadi- oaasai idu/ shout; oaasai- sound; idu- make.
*484.voice- saut- saththam; oaasai idu; oaasai- sound; idu- make.
* make a noise- sata- oaasai idu; oaasai- noise; idu- make; saththam idu; saththam- noise.
486.fame- saut- uchcham adaiya /to attain fame; uchcham- fame; adaiya- to attain.
487.sheep-dan- aadu
* be high /elevated- sama- uchcham
* act- salaka- seyalaakku enter- salaka- nuzhaika insert- salaka- nuzhaikka enter- a road- salaka- saalai -yil nuzhaika; saalai- road; nuzhaika- to enter; saalaiyil puka; puka- to enter.
* take a road- salaka- saalayil selluka ; saalai- road; selluka- to go.
494.offspring- sulala- pillai sulali- il
* be killed- saqata- saaka adikka
* work- sad- seithidu /do
* move quickly- sad- sattunnu oaadu; sattunnu- quickly; oaadu- run.
*499.cough- saala- sali/ phlegm
500.start a fire/to burn -saaraa- eri /quick/speedy- sari- sara sara nnu
502.pat- sadid- thattu
* close up- sadda- saaththu /to close
504.obstruct- sadda- thadu plug up- sadda-adiththidu
506.satisfy – sadda-thaniththidu
*507.buttock- sath- sooththu
*508.screen- sitr- thirai cover -satara- mooduthar
* add- zada- saeththidu
511.person- zaul- aal
* die- zahaqa- saaka
513.time- zaman- mani slip /glide- zaliqa- vazhukka; ka= va; va= ka.
515.sack- zakiba- koani pai
516.hiccup- zugutta- vikkida ; ka= va; va= ka.
* shake- zazaa- asai
*518.tilling- ziraa- yaeru let go- zajala- sellu/ go
* increase /grow- riya- uooru; uyaru ; uru .
521.fear- rau- agnar; peer; soor. look- rada- paarththidu
* climb/ mount- raqiya- yaeruka
*523.climbing- irtiqa-yaeriduka
*524.rise- irtiqa- yaeriduka
525.ship/ boat- markab- mara kovai ; maram- wood ; ka= va; va= ka.
*526.sleep- raqda- urankkida
527.bed- maraqid- mara kidakkai / wooden bed; maram- wood; kidakaki- cot.
528.raise- raf- uyaru
529.height- rifa- uyaram foam- raga- nuraikka ; nurai- foam.
*531.shepherd- rua- aayar throw- rasaqa- erika
533.pity- rahma- erakkam; letter ‘h’ is read as ‘k’ and not as ‘a.’ say- ratama- uraiththidanum
535.looking- ruya- paaru/ look
*536.loving- raum- eeram/ love
537.chief/ chieftain- ras- arasar/king; raasu; raaja.
538.head- ras- sirasu
*539.bottom- dail- adiyil /underneath
* drive away- dada- oaattidu
*541.this- da- ithu change- dala- maaththuthal
543.turning- idara- thirumpu /region- dira- tharai
*545.floor- dira- tharai
546.attack- dira- adiththar ; paaithar . revolve/ rotate- ddrau- suttru
* run- ddrau- oaaduthar
* roam- ddrau- thiriya
* play- ddrau- aaduthar
* dunya-thinai
552.toddle- dalafa- thaththi thaththi adi eduthal drip- dalaf -sottuthal; thuli- drop; thuli thuli ya sottuthal- dripping drop by drop.
* dallal- idai aal; idai- middle; aal- person
* make flat- dakku- thattai aakku ; thattai- flat; aakku- make.
*556.knock- daqqa- thattuka; idikka; moathuka .
*557.beat- daqqa – adikka; thattuka
*558.throb- daqqa- thudikka
*559.pounding/grinding- daqq-idikka; podikka. play a musical instrument- daqqa- meettuka push- dafa- idi push- dafara- idiththar
*563.defense- difa- thaduppu pour out- dafaqa- uoothuka
* put- iddagama- iduka
566.cover a book- daffa- attai poadu; letters are jumbled; attai- a cover; poadu- do.
*567.prayer- dua- thuthi; oaathu
* rub- daaka- thaeikka give- daaba- thaa put- dass- idu wipe out- darasa- thudaiththu eriya
572.teaching- tadris- oaathi thara
573.way /route- daraj- theru /street; thiram; thaarai; thaari.
*574.prevention- dar- thaduththar
575.flowing copiously- darr -thaaarai thaaraiyaa oaaduthar
*rich- darr- thiru /riches
wealth/riches- tara/ tarwa/tariy [ wealthy] – thiru
*576.achievement- darr- sathiththar ; adaithar/attain . take possession- dakala- udamai aakki kollu ; udamai- possession.
578.deceit- dajl- yaeiththal
579.rotation- daula- suththuthal
580.rotate- ddrau- suttru
* make flat- dakka- thattai aakku; thathai- flat;aakku- make.
* weigh down- dakka- edi eduka; edai- weight
*583.tambourine- duff- thappu /beat get- dassa- adaiya wipe out- darasa- thudaiththar; thudaithu eriya .
586.nurse- dada- uoottu thaai; thaathi; uoottu- to feed; thaai- mother.
*587.nature/ temper- kim- kunam
*588.horses- kail- killai/ horse
589.stitch- kata- theikka; letters are in reversed order.
*590.bow/ stoop- kanaa- kuni
* dig a ditch- kandaqa- kenduka
592.trench- kandaqa- kidankku; letters are jumbled.
*593.vacant /empty- kala- kaali
* vacate- kala- kaali sei leave- kalfa-akazhu
*596.clash- kalafa- kalakam ; kai kalappu / fight.
597.rag- lakaqa- ilakkar
598.divorce at the instance of the wife- kul- akazha/to leave
* take off a garment- kalaa- kalaiya mix/ mingle- kalata- kalanthidu steal- kalasa- kalavu/ steal; ka= va; va= ka.
602.everlasting- kalada- ekkaalaththilum/ all times
* pierce- kalla- kuli ; kizhi .
604.cleft- kalal- kizhippu
*605.crack- kalal- keelam
* cross/ the river - kata-kadakka/ to cross/ pass
*607.idle talk- katal- kathai adiththal; letters are read more than once.; kathiththal- speaking/ conversing.
608.quick/ rapid- katif – kada kadannu
*609.abduct/ kidnap-katifa- kadaththu
*610.short- katif- kuttai
*611.rape- katf- kedu
*612.tremble- katara- kidu kiduthhar give in marriage -kitba- katti kodu ; pennai katti kodu ; letters are jumbled; penn- girl; katti kodu- to give in marriage
614.ask for a girl’s hand in marriage on behalf of someone- kitba- penn kaetttidu; letters are jumbled; penn- girl; kaettidu- ask.
615. speak- kitba- kathaithidu
* draw a line- katta-koadu idu; idu- make.
*617. line- katt- koadu write- katta- theettuka; letters are in reversed order.
* carve- katta- koththu
* cut off-kadada- kaathu/cut
620.section- kutt- pakuthi
*621.district/quarter of a city - kutt-koattam
622.piece of land acquired for the purpose of building a house /a piece of real estate- kitta-
*623.spear- katti- kuththu
624.ridge- katt-mukadu
* tear- karaqa- keeruka cut into small pieces- karata- thundu thunda keeridu ; thundu- piece; keeridu- to cut; kooru kooraai keeridu; kooru- piece.
* join- karata- koarththidu
*628.young sheep- karuf- kori / sheep
*629.autumn/fall- karif- kaar
* eruption- kuraf- kuru
*631.hole-kurab- koarai
*632.excrement- kara- karai/ dirt
*633.gurgle- karra- kaara abandon- kadala- kai viduthal ; ka= va; va =ka.
*635.thickened- katir- ketti adaithar
* ruin- kadasa- kedu
637.confuse- kabala- kuzhapppu; letters are jumbled.
638.blow /stroke- kabata; kuththu; kottu .
639.message/ note /report- ikbar- kurippu ; letters are jumbled.
640.bad /evil - kabit- kettathu
641.monthly period- haid- theettu
*642.cheat- muhtal- yaemaaththuthal /cheating protect /guard- hata- kaaththidu; letter ‘h’ is read is ‘k’ and not as ‘a’.
644.pool- haud- kuttai; letter ‘h’ is read is ‘k’ and not as ‘a’.
645. to decrease - harau- kurai; letter ‘h’ is read is ‘k’ and not as ‘a’.
*646.eve- hawwa- avvai
647.milk-halab- paal; letters are in reversed order.
648.field- haql- kalam
649.hug / to clasp in one’s arms- hadana- katti anai; letter ‘h’ is read is ‘k’ and not as ‘a’. put- hatta- idu
*651.dying- muhtadar- madiththar
*652.making- istihdar- seithiduthar
653.preparing- tahdir- seithar ; thayariththar ; letters are jumbled.
654.street- jaddda-santhu/ lane
655.renewal- tajdid- puthuppiththidu – jaded- puthiyathu
657.novelty- jidaa-puthumai
* plait the hair - jadala- sadai iduthal
* quarrel- Jadala- uooduthal ;sandai iduthal ; aadal/ fight .
660.kid- jady- sinna aadu/ kid; sinna- small; adu- sheep/goat.
* peel- jarada- uriththidu
* cut off- jadda/cut- saethi; seththu/ cut.
663.fear- jaza- achcham
*664.burden- jasima- sumai
* julla- seelai /cloth
* go away- jala- sellu/ go
* have sexual intercourse- jamaa- seiyyanum
668.whole- jumla- muzhumai
669.kind/ species- jins- inam / genus
*670.answer- ijaba- seppu roam- jala/jawwal- alaiya
672.excursion /tour- jaula- ulaa
673.beloved/darling -habib-anpae rub off- hattau- thaeiththidu provoke- hatta- thoondu
676.edge- hadd- ottu sharpen- hadda- theettu impede- hadda- thadu
679.newness- hadata-
* plow- harata- yaeru oaattu ; yaer- a plough.
* burn- haraqa- erikka gather/ accumulate- hasada- saeththidu gather- hasara- saeru
684.assemble- hasada- saenthida
685.obtaining- tahsil- -adaithal
686.grandfather- jadd- thaaththa
687.ancestor- jadd- moothaathai
688.grandmother- jadda-paaatti
689.pride- jibriya- perumai
690.huge- jabbar- periya
*691.wild goat-taital- uthal /goat
692.bull- taur- pettru; eruthu; letters are in reversed order; moothiri- buffalo.
*693.garment/ cloth- taub- uduppu
694.folded- matniy- madithithidanum /to fold
695.kindling- itqab- thee iduka; thee- fire. itqab- thee yaethukka
697.piercing- taqib-theikka; yaeththuka.
698.breast- tady- madi
699.linen - til- thuyil/ cloth enslave- tama ; adimai /slave ; adimai aayida- to become a slave.
701.aunt- teyze- aththai
702.billy goat- atyas- aadu/ goat
703.flow- tayyar- oaaduthar; paaithar.
* tayyar- thaarai
705.whole/completely - tamam- moththama; letters are in reversed order.
706.finished – tamma- mudiya; letters are in reversed order.
*707.gun- tufka- thuppaakki
*708.spit- tuffa- thuppu
*709.spittle- tufal- thuppal
* shake- tata- aattu
711.trample under foot- takka- mithikka
712.pious- atqa-pakthi; kadamai; letters are in reversed order.
713.grief- tarah- thuyaram
*714.tailor- tarsi- theiyar
715.successively- tatra – thodarchchiyaa;thodarnthu
716.merchant /trader- tajir- ettiyar
717.fresh- taza- puthusu
* agree- tabba- oththu poa ; yaeththidu .
*719.passing- baid- poaida
720.past- baid- panndu
*721.steppe- baida- poodu /grass
*722.die/pass away - bada- poaida consummate the marriage – bana- pannu / to indulge in sexual intercourse
724. later/ after- badu- pinaadi
725.more distant- abad/bauda- etta go far beyond/ to keep away- bauda-etta poaidu ;poaidu- go ;letters are jumbled; etta- far . send- baata- anuppidu
728.clitoris- bazr- siri intoxicate- takka- mattai adikka
730.coffin/sacrophagus- tabut- pina petti; pinam- dead body; petti- box; letters are jumbled.
731.goods- bida- panndam look- basuru- paaru peel- basara-uri have sexual intercourse- basaru- saeru
736.split- bazala- pila offer- basata- padaiththidu
*738.partition- barzak- pirikka
739.shining- barraq- pirankku; pirakasa. veil- barqa-maraikka /to hide
741.sprout- barama- arumpu; letters are jumbled.
* leave- bariha- prika
*743.steppe- barriya- pur/ grass
*744.desert- barriya- parappu
* badl- eethal ; payaththal; ueiththal ;peithal
* offer- badala – padaiththal mubadala- maaththuthal
748.creation- ibda/bad- padaippu ;padai- create.
749.unique/ wonderful /novel- badi /bid -puthumai
750.escape- budd-thapppiththu oadu; letters are jumbled.
* divide/ distribute- badda- paathidu
752.pool- bahra- yaeri/ lake
753.river- bahr – yaaru
*754.sea- bahr- paari; paru; paeru. bahata- thaedu; thaedi paaththidu; letters are jumbled.
* baht- padi
*757.look- bahata- paaththidu
758.close- batala- adaiththal ; poottuthal/ to lock .
*759.father- baba- appaa
*760.fatherhood/ fatherly - ubuwa- appavaa
*761.weigh down- dda- edai idu ; edai- weight .
762.vessel- ina- yaenam
763.amir- prince- mannar /king
*764.mother- umm- amma
765.cerebral membrane- arras- urai / membrane/ covering ;thalai soaaru- cerebrum ;thalai- head; soaru- cerebrum .
* shine- alaqa- elaku akl- koozh
* akala- kizhi
*769.hill-akama-kamai saw- asara- aru
*771.captivity- isar – sirai /prison
* bind- asara- saeru
773.column- ustuwana- thoon
*774.water pipe- argila- neer kuzhaai; neer- water; kuzhaai- pipe.
*775.throne /sofa- arika- erukkai /seat; erukka- be seated.
776.sleepless- arika- urankaama; urakakm inmai; urakkam- sleep; inmai- without.
*777.rice- aruzz- arisi
* till the land- arasa- yaeru/to plow
779.human being- adam- maanthan; letters are in reversed order; motha maanthan- first human being; motha- first.
* gather- akada- koodu; koithidu; kadaikoottu ; letters are read more than once.
781.acquire- akada- kai paththu; kadaikkoottu.
* learn- akada- kaththida; kaththukkoa.
783.delay- tajil- thaamaththithal
*784.arrive- ata- adaiya
* get- ata- adaiya
* bring- ata- attu
787.produce- ata- padai finish- ata- mudi
* wipe out/ sweep away – ata- thudai; thudaiththidu.
*790.give- ada- thaa
* agree-ata- yaeththidu do-ata- seithidu
793.achieve- ata- saathiththidu
794.oven- atun- adu manai
*795.touch- atar- thoduthar
* pursue- atara- thodaru
*797.wiped out- atar- thudaththu eriya
*798.always- abad- eppoathum
* ask- katama- kattidanum
*800. to wait- - kadama- kaththidanum
801.fruits- galla- kaai kanikal ; kai- vegetable; kanikal- fruits .
* take off/ the clothes- qala – kalaiya become shorter- aqlas-kullam/ short
*804.small- qalla- kullam
*805.small- qataf- kutti; kuttai.
806.studying- tahsil- padiththal ; oaathuthal
*807.bunch /cluster- kusla- kulai
808.drinking cup- qadah- kudi kinnam; kudi- to dink; kinnam- cup . vomit- qaa- kakka